
Elizabeth Sawin (2022 March). Six ways states could help cities and towns implement climate solutions. American City and County.

Elizabeth Sawin (2022 March) We must adapt to climate change. Can we do it in ways that solve other problems too? Environmental Health News

Elizabeth Sawin (2021 August). Climate Paralysis? Try Multisolving Nation of Change

Cassandra Breeze Ceballos and Elizabeth Sawin. (2020 December). COVID-19 recovery spending could catalyze transformative change, but time is running out. The Hill

Elizabeth Sawin. (2020 November). Multisolving our way to COVID-19 Economic Recovery. The Revelator.

Elizabeth Sawin. (2020 July). How can a coronavirus response reduce inequity and protect the climate? Thomson Reuters Foundation.

Elizabeth Sawin (020 April). Why We Can’t Ignore the Link Between COVID-19, Climate Change and Inequity. U.S. News & World Report.

Elizabeth Sawin (April 2020 April). Covid-19 Sucks. But It Could Teach Us How to Avoid the Worst Consequences of Climate Change.  Resilience.Elizabeth Sawin (2020 March). Steps to re-invigorate the economy must free us from polluting fossil fuels. Daily Climate. 

Elizabeth Sawin, Nathaniel Smith, and Tina Smith. (2019 August). Equity, Health, Resilience, and Jobs: Lessons from the Just Growth Circle. Non-Profit Quarterly.

Elizabeth Sawin. (2019 July). Softening as a Climate Adaptation Strategy. Resilience.

Elizabeth Sawin. (2019 March). Individual Carbon Footprints or Collective Systems Change? Both!

Elizabeth Sawin. (2019 February). Everyone Wants “Win-win” Solutions. Apolitical. 

Elizabeth Sawin and Nathaniel Smith. (2018 December). New Thinking for a New Year. U.S. News & World Report. 

Elizabeth Sawin (2018 July). The Magic of Multisolving. Stanford Social Innovation Review. 

Elizabeth Sawin (2015 December). 60% of Emissions Reductions Pledged in Paris Were Inspired by Pursuit of Benefits In Health, Well-Being Or Social Justice. Common Dreams.


That opened a new front of research at Climate Interactive: what else would improve around the world if countries truly transitioned away from fossil fuels? From improvements in air quality to energy security we documented many co-benefits of climate action, and incorporated some of them into Climate Interactive’s well known computer simulation, En-ROADS.

But, the multiple benefits of actions to protect the climate remain mostly theoretical without ways of overcoming the obstacles to multisolving. That’s why, from the beginning of our work we have collaborated with others to understand the bright spots of multisolving around the world and to pilot multisolving approaches. First in Milwaukee in partnership with the Milwuakee Metropolitan Sewerage District and then in Atlanta, with Partnership for Southern Equity, we began to see what was possible by bringing the different parts of a system together in pursuit of actions and investments that lifted up many goals at once.

From this action research, along with a series of case studies of multisolving projects, we began to see attitudes and approaches that are in common across a wide diversity of multisolving projects, a topic we wrote about in Stanford Social Innovation Review.

Then came 2020. Pandemic. Escalating climate change impacts. Dire warnings about biodiversity loss. And more and more folks connecting the dots between each of these issues and structural inequity. Invitations to write, speak, and teach about multisolving came fast and furious and with it the possibility that what we’ve learned from multisolving bright spots could help support leaders around the world to respond to crises with multisolving. That spark led to the launch of the Multisolving Institute and our mission of supporting leaders as they pursue multisolving approaches